
【预售】Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Parental Engagement with Children’s Learning

【预售】Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Parental Engagement with Children’s Learning

603 原价613 去抢购

【预订】Bridging the Gender Gap

【预订】Bridging the Gender Gap

727 原价737 去抢购

【预售】Biophysics of Gap Junction Channels

【预售】Biophysics of Gap Junction Channels

3616 原价3626 去抢购

【预售】Closing the Vocabulary Gap

【预售】Closing the Vocabulary Gap

1733 原价1743 去抢购

【预订】Non-Universal Superconducting Gap Structure in Iron-Pnictides Revealed by Magnetic Penetration Depth Measu...

【预订】Non-Universal Superconducting Gap Structure in Iron-Pnictides Revealed by Magnetic Penetration Depth Measu...

1217 原价1227 去抢购

【预订】East-West Life Expectancy Gap in Europe

【预订】East-West Life Expectancy Gap in Europe

2434 原价2444 去抢购

【预售】The Teacher Gap

【预售】The Teacher Gap

256 原价266 去抢购

【预售】The Accountability Gap in EU law

【预售】The Accountability Gap in EU law

2110 原价2120 去抢购

【预订】Bridging the Innovation Gap

【预订】Bridging the Innovation Gap

851 原价861 去抢购

【预订】Minding the Gap

【预订】Minding the Gap

1049 原价1059 去抢购

【预订】Closing the Analytics Talent Gap

【预订】Closing the Analytics Talent Gap

648 原价658 去抢购

【预订】ICAF 2009, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Operational Practice

【预订】ICAF 2009, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Operational Practice

6084 原价6094 去抢购

【预订】Closing the Achievement Gap from an International Perspective

【预订】Closing the Achievement Gap from an International Perspective

1825 原价1835 去抢购

【预订】Closing the Theory-Practice Gap

【预订】Closing the Theory-Practice Gap

553 原价563 去抢购

【预订】Closing the Integration Gap in Criminology

【预订】Closing the Integration Gap in Criminology

1958 原价1968 去抢购

【预订】Mind the European Gap 9783030880774

【预订】Mind the European Gap 9783030880774

731 原价741 去抢购

【预订】Knowledge Gap, The

【预订】Knowledge Gap, The

121 原价131 去抢购

【预订】The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System--And How to Fix It

【预订】The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System--And How to Fix It

183 原价193 去抢购

【预订】Closing the Analytics Talent Gap

【预订】Closing the Analytics Talent Gap

1582 原价1592 去抢购

【预售 按需印刷】Mind the Gap

【预售 按需印刷】Mind the Gap

144 原价154 去抢购